Family Best Time >> Food

What do I eat to get back in shape after winter?


Why ? To fill up with vitamin C (100mg/day recommended), which we lack in winter. And thus restore our immune system (and avoid repeated infections). How much ? The juice of 2 oranges every day (70% of the recommended dose/day) for 15 days. Juice which can also replace vinegar in vinaigrette. Consume within 5 min, otherwise the vitamin C "dissipates".

Oat bran

Why ? Oat bran makes up for the lack of fiber (in winter, we eat less fruit and raw vegetables) and has an appetite suppressant effect. How much ? At 1.5 c. s./day (10g) on ​​cereals or in the form of a pancake (with egg + flour), we start our transit again in 10 days. Better, we provide the 10g of daily fiber that our diet lacks.

Walnut oil

Why ? In recent months, we have eaten a lot of saturated fat (cold cuts, cheese, etc.). To rebalance, we focus on unsaturated fats such as walnut oil. Rich in omega 3, it is also good for morale. How much ? To have sufficient intake, the ideal is to replace for about 3 weeks the maximum of fat with walnut oil. Delicious with raw vegetables or pasta…


Why ? It is a source of vitamin D. And as it is provided by the sun, we lack it (5 micrograms / day recommended). Less vitamin D =less assimilated calcium, consequence:our bones become fragile. How much ? To boost intake, eat fatty fish such as mackerel. Alternate with salmon, sardines, herring, butter, egg... The main thing is to have a source rich in vitamin D every day for at least 3 weeks.

Goji berries

Why ? Because we have dull and tired skin. So with these berries full of antioxidants, we find our good looks. These small berries from Asia are eaten dried or in juice, preferably organic to limit the presence of pesticides. How much ? A cure of one month. Every day, add the equivalent of a handful (30g) to cereals or nibble them as an aperitif. This provides 30 to 40% of the recommended intake of carotenoids (powerful antioxidants). Downside, it's super expensive:around €25 for 500g in organic stores.

Thanks to Damien Galtier, dietitian and author of the book " Slimming recipes with vegetable proteins ", Ed. Ixelles