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7x why we eat too much

Do you ever eat when you're not really hungry? Read why it happens and what you can do about it.

1. You eat mindlessly
Sometimes you eat without realizing it. If you don't eat consciously, you can't be aware that you've had enough.
Solution :Conscious eating is done, among other things, by taking the time, not to brag too much and to enjoy your meals. More tips for conscious eating>>

2. You are on the road a lot
A snack at the station, a sandwich at the gas station. Those who travel a lot will be tempted by food a lot. Often you are not even really hungry, but you give in anyway and the food is not healthy and expensive.
Solution :Make sure to pack some healthy snacks in your bag so you can have them during a moment of temptation.

3 You create too large portions on
You just cooked too much for one meal, but too little to freeze another portion. Result:you eat that last bit of leftovers.
Solution :buy less and buy less or freeze it anyway. Maybe with a few extra ingredients you can make it into another dish or it makes a perfect lunch salad. In addition, you can eat from a smaller plate, so you are less likely to scoop up too much.

4. You adapt your eating behavior to others
Your friend is taking an appetizer, so so are you. Your girlfriend wants another dessert, because she finds it so uncomfortable on her own, you order dessert anyway.
Solution :To resist this, you need to be strong. Try it anyway or suggest sharing a starter or dessert.

5. You eat out of emotion
You earned that piece of chocolate, it was a rough day after all. Or you have something to celebrate, you need comfort… The reasons why you deserve a treat are endless.
Solution :Recognize your own habits. Do you know that you eat when you are stressed, make sure you recognize this, only then can you work on it. A well-known 'emotion' that causes many women to eat is boredom. Read all tips against eating out of boredom here>>

6. You don't keep a good rhythm
Your body gets used to eating at certain times. When you forget to eat, you get hungry and snack more easily.
Solution :Try to keep a steady rhythm. Make time for lunch when you're busy at work. Before you know it, lunch will fall by the wayside and you'll be eating a bag of chips in the evening.

7. You go shopping with hunger
When you're hungry, you tend to buy more in the supermarket.
Solution :Eat something before going to the supermarket. Doesn't that work? Give yourself a weekly budget, in which there is room for a number of tasty snacks, but not for unlimited snacking.

Tip:Am I hungry? Every time you want to eat something, make it a habit to ask yourself if you are really hungry. By doing so, you reflect on your habits. If the answer is no, then resist the temptation to eat anything. If the answer is yes, then give yourself that extra push to have a healthy, nutritious snack instead of something unhealthy.

Do you have any tips for not eating too much? Share them with us!