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How to avoid eating too much

Are you full, but can't stop eating? Resist the temptation to take even more and finish your meal with these tips.

Have a mint
Eat a mint or drink mint tea. Eating something mint flavored gives you the feeling that the meal is over. With a mint flavour, all those tasty things immediately taste less good.

Get moving
Don't sit at the dinner table. Go to the living room as soon as you finish your meal.

Have something sweet
For many people, dessert is the end of dinner. Are you one of those people who always have to eat something sweet after a meal? Then choose something healthy more often, such as a piece of fruit.

Make plans
If you have plans after dinner, you are less likely to overeat. Exercising on a full stomach is not so pleasant. But even if you just plan to call a friend, it will keep you focused on something else, causing you to stop eating on time.

Source:Fitsugar | Image:Shutterstock