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Flaxseed, or flaxseed, are the seeds of the flax plant. In the Netherlands it is mainly recommended for bowel problems, but that is not the only thing that linseed is good for. Flaxseed is available in various forms, whole linseed, broken, ground linseed or linseed oil.

Flaxseed is a superfood because it is full of good nutrients such as omega 3 and 6, vitamins B1 and B2, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium.

Why should you add linseed?
• Flaxseed has a good effect on bowel movements.
• Positive effect on your cholesterol.
• Satisfies the feeling of hunger.
• Promotes the elimination of waste products.
• Reduces fatigue, listlessness and depression.
• Improve the quality of hair nails and skin.
• Positive influence on menopausal symptoms.

Broken or whole flaxseed?
The body absorbs the nutrients from broken linseed better than from whole linseed because it has a thick skin. Incidentally, some of the nutrients have already been lost with broken linseed from the supermarket, to use the positive effects of linseed it is best to take whole linseed and 'break' it yourself by putting it in a food processor or mortar.

How do you add flaxseed to your diet?
• With a salad or dressing.
• With cookies, for example with oatmeal, coconut and linseed.
• With a smoothie, for example a hemp smoothie with chia and linseed.
• With yoghurt, for example soy yoghurt with fresh fruit and linseed.
• With bread, for example filled rolls with spinach, walnuts and linseed.

We recommend eating no more than 2 tablespoons of linseed per day and drinking plenty of it, about 10 times the amount of linseed. Drinking too little with linseed can lead to constipation.

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