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Oatmeal porridge may sound old-fashioned to you, but it's certainly not just for small children. Oats (malt) are a type of grain and a very healthy alternative to bread in the morning, but also as an addition to, for example, bread, muesli or pancakes.

Oatmeal is super nutritious and rich in vitamin B1, phosphorus and magnesium. Because it is full of fiber, it is digested slowly so that you keep a full feeling for a long time.

Oatmeal is a very healthy start to the day, and eating it (regularly) can have a positive impact on your health.

– has a positive effect on your cholesterol
– makes you feel full for longer.
– is very suitable for people who want to lose weight.
– reduces peaks in blood sugar levels
– keeps the metabolism going.
– lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.
– contains relatively few calories and almost no sugar.
– is ideal for athletes:it provides for faster fat burning and faster muscle mass building.

Because oats contain gluten, it is in principle not suitable for celiac patients. Gluten-free oatmeal is available in some stores.

Oatmeal (germinated and dried oats) is available in different varieties, from long-cooking to instant. Be careful with the latter form that no sugars or other things have been added. Most oatmeal from the supermarket is short-cooking. The range is often greater at health food stores and organic supermarkets.

You can of course make the well-known porridge, but the oatmeal can also be added to homemade bread, muesli, pancakes, cookies or even smoothies. We like to eat it in the morning with almond milk, red fruit and nuts. Gives a lot of energy!

BeBio:oatmeal Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio blog every week on about a healthy and conscious lifestyle. They show how fun healthy living can be and that a conscious lifestyle is within reach for everyone. Read all their blogs>>

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