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Don't eat your plate

That last bit of food in the pan is too little to freeze, but it's a shame to throw it away. There's only one thing to do:eat. And those last baked potatoes can also be added. As a result, you are unknowingly taking in more calories than you think. Don't empty your plate next time.

1. Ask yourself if you are really hungry
It is very tempting to eat the last bites. Ask yourself if you are really still hungry, or if you are eating out of habit or boredom. The tips for conscious eating can help you with this.

2. Don't eat too fast
Your brain only gives a signal after about 20 minutes that you are full. That is why it is important not to eat too quickly. Preferably eat every meal at the table.

Read also:4 bad places to eat

3. Listen to your body
If your body gives the signal that you are full, stop eating. If you are a guest at someone's house, you can kindly indicate that you like it, but that you have had enough.

4. Prepare smaller portions
The best option against overeating is to prepare smaller portions. Try to find out how much your family members eat, to better plan the portions.

Read also:compose a weekly menu

5. Also use small leftovers for the next day
If you don't have enough left over for a whole meal, save the leftovers for the next day. For example, you can use the leftovers in a wok dish or eat it for lunch.
