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5 reasons to plan your meals

Do you find it boring to decide today what you eat for the rest of the week? It also has advantages.

1. You don't have to go to the supermarket as often
If you think about what you are going to eat this week in advance, you can do your shopping in a very targeted way. Before you go shopping, make a complete shopping list and try to stick to it. Also put the snacks on your shopping list, so that you can buy them appropriately. The fewer unhealthy things you have at home, the less you can eat.

2. It becomes easier to save money
If you stick to your shopping list, you buy fewer extras. You will save money without even realizing it.

3. You save time Going to the supermarket once a week, after work not thinking about what you are going to make tonight and with a little planning you can cook for several days at once. Bonus:you can look forward to the delicious dish that you will prepare at home during the day.

4. You will eat healthier
Because you no longer look at what you eat per day but per week, you can put together a more varied menu. Because you already know what you are going to eat and already have the groceries at home, you are less likely to be tempted to pick up a quick meal or to put a ready-made dish in the microwave.

5. You build a reference book of weekly menus
In the beginning, this method will probably make you think a lot, but after a short time you will have more and more weekly menus that you can use again and again if you want.