Family Best Time >> Food

5 reasons not to eat out

Dive into the kitchen yourself tonight.

1. You would eat more in a restaurant than when you eat at home
Research has shown that when we eat out we eat about 200 calories more. We also ingest more unhealthy fats and sugar than when we eat at home.

2. You choose something unhealthy in a restaurant more quickly
This reason is the basis of the previous reason:only 1 in 4 people say they make healthy choices when they eat out.

3. It's Saturday
Many people have the weekend off. A good reason to spend a little longer in the kitchen and try a new recipe.

4. Let your children help with cooking
Children who help in the kitchen like fruit and vegetables more often than children who do not help in the kitchen.

5. You save money You can do a lot of shopping from the amount you would spend on a dinner in a restaurant. You can use the money you save to have a special evening at home.