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Buckwheat is also referred to as a "pseudo grain":it resembles grain in many ways and can be used in much the same way. Unlike many grains, buckwheat is gluten-free and therefore suitable for celiac patients.

Buckwheat is very healthy and rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B1 and B6 and minerals such as magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It is nutritious and easy to digest.

Forms of buckwheat

Buckwheat can be bought roasted, it is also called kasha (or kasha). It is widely used in Eastern European and Russian dishes. Roasting brings out the nutty flavor more.

Buckwheat can also be bought unroasted. You can cook it yourself to a soft, creamy substance. The taste of unroasted buckwheat is slightly grassier.

Buckwheat flour is also widely used and can be mixed well with other flours, for example. It can often be found in bread, pancakes and biscuits.

What can you do with buckwheat?
– Add the (roasted) grains to muesli or other breakfast cereals
– Cook the buckwheat groats into a porridge and eat as a side dish instead of rice or in the morning with fruit.
– Use buckwheat flour in combination with other flours, for example pancake flour.
– Buckwheat flour is also used for noodles, including soba noodles. (These are not always gluten-free)
– There is also buckwheat beer!


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