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Eat healthier through small changes in your kitchen

The kitchen is the place where you prepare your meal, but also the place where you open the fridge and kitchen cupboards for the umpteenth time, looking for something tasty. These small changes in your kitchen will help you reach for something healthy faster next time.

Turn healthy snacks into quick snacks
It's nice and easy to open a bag of chips, but something healthy doesn't have to be more difficult. Make sure healthy snacks such as vegetables and fruit are ready-to-use in the refrigerator, preferably at eye level.

Prepare multiple servings
Don't cook the food once, but several times. Then resist the temptation to overeat. Put the extra servings in containers or bags and save them for lunch the next day or for an evening when you are short on time. This way you avoid eating a microwave meal when you are in a hurry.

Clean up the food
Spoon a portion for yourself and then put the pan away. The same goes for snacks:put some nuts in a container and then clean up the bag. The temptation to take a little extra is a lot smaller this way.

Use smaller plates
It's a mind trick, but it works:eat from a smaller plate, so you automatically scoop less food.

Buy less unhealthy snacks
Make sure you have healthy snacks at home, because you can't eat what you don't have. It might be a bit more difficult if you have to keep an entire family happy.

Measure ingredients
Make sure you have a measuring cup and a kitchen scale. By weighing your ingredients, instead of just guessing, you make more precise portions. Do the same with snacks.

Source:Fitsugar | Image:Shutterstock