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BeBio:more about sourdough bread

Sourdough bread is becoming increasingly well-known and popular among the general public. And that is not surprising:the bread is more filling than normal bread, is healthier and also lasts longer.

Sourdough bread lives up to its name because the bread also tastes a bit sour. Enthusiasts love this typical taste.

Natural product
Sourdough is a natural leavening agent that can be used instead of yeast. You start with a mixture of water and flour. There is lactobacterium in the air and this settles in the mixture. This causes it to spontaneously start to ferment. This starts a process in which acids provide the final composition and taste of the bread. The carbon dioxide gasses and ensures the air in the bread and the rising of the dough. Unlike yeast, it is therefore a natural process.

Why add sourdough bread to your diet?
– Crisper crust than yeast, so much tastier if you like it
– Sourdough bread is firmer, heavier, more filling and hardly crumbles when cut
– Long(er) best before date
– Sourdough bread has a lower glycemic index than regular bread. This stands for the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar. High peaks often cause that sweet appetite, with sourdough bread you are less bothered by this
– The bread is very good for digestion and, due to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, for good intestinal function.
– The bread is heavy, nutritious and very filling!

One mixture good for years of bread The flour and water mixture can be stored for many years after the fermentation process. There are bakers who have been using the same mixture for years! They keep a piece before baking. By feeding it again with flour and water, a new bread mixture is created.

Make your own sourdough bread
Very easy and fun to bake your own sourdough bread. View the recipe for sourdough bread from BeBio.

BeBio:more about sourdough bread

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