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Report:Plus Home Tasting

Did you know that spitting out a sip of wine 25 times during a wine tasting is equivalent to emptying one glass? The editorial staff of Santé prefers to swallow the wines. We look, smell, taste and enjoy during a Plus Home Tasting.

The wine department of the Plus has been voted the best in the Netherlands. Of course the staff can help you choose a nice wine or you can opt for a Plus wine tasting at home to discover your taste.

Wines with an 8
A colleague was kind enough to make her house available for the wine tasting. On a cold afternoon we sit with the editors, a club of freelancers and delicious homemade and self-bought snacks at the wine. And not just about the wine, but about the Grote Hamersma tasting, in which we taste four white and four red wines that have been awarded at least 8 in the book De Grote Hamersma. That bodes well.

Taste and learn
While we eat and taste wine, vinologist Ella talks passionately and enthusiastically about all the wines we taste. Of course we can also ask our pressing questions. Because how long in advance is the best time to take a red wine out of the fridge? Ella is full of surprising facts, so she can also teach those who already know something about wine.

After tasting
After the tasting, Ella takes all the stuff back with her. That means the wine tasting won't cause any clutter in the house, which is ideal. What does she leave behind? The eight bottles of wine we just tasted. We toast to a successful wine tasting with a glass of our favorite wine. health!

Taste it yourself
Would you like to taste wine at home with a group of friends? A Plus home tasting can be booked for a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 16 people. A tasting of 2 hours costs €25 per person, including materials, wine and a tasting booklet. For more information, visit the Plus Home Tasting website.