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Recipe:oatmeal cups

Recipe:oatmeal cups

The Flemish nutrition coach and yoga teacher Claudia van Avermaet shares her favorite breakfasts in Santé. This is the recipe for the oatmeal cups.

This is from her new book A daily portion of power – 130 recipes (€25.99, Lannoo). It contains many tasty recipes that give you loads of energy!

Ingredients for 6 cups

  • 150 g oatmeal
  • 80 g coconut chips
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 8 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • 5 tbsp honey. For the topping:Greek yogurt • grapefruit,
  • Sliced ​​oranges
  • physalis (Cape gooseberry), cut in half
  • bee pollen
  • black sesame seed

Read also: Breakfast dessert with oat biscuits, yogurt and kiwi


  • Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  • Mix the oatmeal, coconut chips and the chia seed.
  • Add the coconut oil and honey. Place the bowl in the fridge for 25 minutes.
  • Take 6 muffin tins and place a piece of baking paper in them.
  • Divide the oatmeal mixture among the muffin tins. Press down well with the back of a spoon so that the bottom and sides are well covered.
  • Bake the cups in the oven for 12 minutes.
  • Allow them to cool completely before removing them from the mold, otherwise they will break.
  • Fill the cups with Greek yogurt, grapefruit and orange. Finish with physalis, bee pollen and sesame seeds.Tip: You can also freeze these cups. This way you always have a healthy breakfast at home.

Read more spicy breakfast recipes? Read it in the June issue of Santé, which is now in stores. You can also order it via our webshop.