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BeBio recipe:Chestnut snack

Chestnuts are very popular this period. They are available in many places, even in the larger supermarkets in the fruit and vegetable department. Chestnuts are super tasty and very nutritious.

Read more about how healthy chestnuts are on the BeBio website.

You can prepare chestnuts in several ways. You can roast, boil or puree them, for example. Popping is also possible. All variants are very tasty, give it a try! Here are two ways to prepare a delicious chestnut snack.

What do you need?
– chestnuts
– milk and honey / sea salt
(necessities depend on the method of preparation)

How do you proceed?

Make a slit in the pointed side of the chestnuts. Simmer them in boiling water for three minutes. Then let them partially cool, then peel them. Once peeled, put them back in boiling water and let it simmer for half an hour. If you also want to puree them, add another half hour. To give the chestnuts a twist, you can replace the water for milk and some honey as a sweet variant. For a savory version, add some sea salt to the water.

Make a slit in the pointed side of the chestnuts. Place the chestnuts, with a knob of butter or some extra virgin olive oil, in the frying pan and roast them until done. You can also roast them in a preheated oven (200 degrees). Drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. They should be ready within 15 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!

BeBio recipe:Chestnut snack

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