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Gnocchi:9 recipe ideas to prepare ultra tasty gnocchi

Gnocchi , are in the shops already made, but you can also start preparing them. With potatoes or sweet potatoes, garnished with salmon, spinach, mushrooms, pesto… They will delight you! Indeed, this food is part of the “comfort food par excellence, to understand “comfort food”. When it's gray outside, after a long day at work, when you're feeling down... Some gnocchi with sauce and everything is better!

Easy and quick to prepare, gnocchi recipes seem ideal for a Sunday evening as well as during a weeknight dinner. Indeed, once you have your little balls formed, all you have to do is cook them in the sauce of your choice.

The basic gnocchi recipe

Before preparing your gnocchi with sauce , you have to train them. To make the gnocchi dough , you will only need potatoes, an egg and flour. Mash the cooked potatoes and add the egg and flour. Then work the dough to incorporate everything. Once you have a ball and it no longer sticks to your fingers, cut it and roll it to form small sausages. Use a fork to form the ridges.

Recipes:how to pimp your gnocchi?

Once your gnocchi are formed , simply cook them in a large skillet with the ingredients of your choice. For a 100% gourmet meal, don't forget to add a nice amount of cheese. You can also cook them in the oven, as a gratin, for a tasty dinner , which will make you forget the cool days of autumn.

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