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BeBio:pesticides fruits and vegetables

This week Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio are blogging about pesticides on fruit and vegetables. What can you pay attention to if you want to eat as few pesticides as possible?

Pesticides are used on almost all fruit and vegetable varieties in the Netherlands. This poison is also called a pesticide. Many of these pesticides are not water soluble and are therefore not washed off.

These pesticides are also used during growth, as a result of which the toxins also partly end up in the pulp.

What to watch out for?
– Buy mainly Dutch fruit and vegetables, 2% of Dutch products contain too many pesticides in contrast to 13% of foreign products.
– If you do not buy organic products, it is wise to peeling, you lose a lot of the nutritional value, but also a lot of the toxins.
– Watch the supermarket. Lidl, Aldi and Super de Boer apply stricter standards than required by law.
– Choose fruit with a thick skin. The banana is the cleanest fruit thanks to its thick skin.
– Note the country of origin, Spain, Italy and Greece score poorly on poison use, unlike New Zealand, Zimbabwe and the Dominican Republic.
– Buy mostly organic products, almost no pesticides are used. It is better to buy the following fruit and vegetables organic:

Nectarines and peaches
These fruits have a very thin skin, through which the pesticides pass and thus end up in the pulp during the growing process.

The flesh just below the skin and the skin itself contain a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C, so it is not wise to peel the apple but buy organic and eat it with the skin on. In this way you make maximum use of all the good nutrients from the apple, if you choose not to buy apples organically, it is wise to peel them with a peeler.

Grapes are sprayed with various poisons, studies have shown that grapes contain large amounts. So it's better to buy grapes organic and if you don't buy them organic, wash off most of the toxins.

Chinese vegetables
China is high on the list of polluted agricultural products, especially products that are popular in the Netherlands such as bok choy, chives, Chinese broccoli are better avoided if you do not buy them organically. It is wiser to only buy these products in the supermarket if they have been grown in the Netherlands.

The head lettuce and cos lettuce in particular came out poorly in the tests. The lettuce in the Netherlands contains a lot of hormone-disrupting pesticide, this is called propamocarb and many outliers of this poison are found in lettuce.


BeBio:pesticides fruits and vegetables Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio blog every week on about a healthy and conscious lifestyle. They show how fun healthy living can be and that a conscious lifestyle is within reach for everyone. Read all their blogs>>

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