Family Best Time >> Food

July:21 seasonal fruits and vegetables to eat

In summer, we love to prepare good little healthy and gourmet dishes , which will satisfy the whole family, but also the friends we receive! To treat yourself, we favor seasonal fruits and vegetables . In July, you will be able to make very nice fruit salads, gazpachos or even smoothies. Indeed, our favorite fruits such as cherries, plums, apricots or nectarines are there. As for vegetables, have fun preparing original dishes , vegetable pies, mixed salads, hummus or sandwiches.

Why consume seasonal fruits and vegetables?

Seasonal fruits and vegetables have time to ripen in the sun and are harvested when ripe, so they have many benefits:they are tastier and richer in vitamins and minerals, than those grown in greenhouses.

The vegetables and fruits that we buy out of season are grown with many pesticides, in greenhouses and are picked before they mature, so that they can be transported to other countries. They are often kept in a cold room , which alters their nutritional value and taste, while being harmful to the planet. This is why, by eating seasonal fruits and vegetables , we enjoy more and we consume while thinking about the planet.


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