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You should actually eat 10 fruits and vegetables a day

It is no longer five but ten fruits and vegetables that we should eat a day to stay healthy. A theory affirmed by a study posted by the International Journal of Epidemiology . The scientists behind this research claim that 7.8 million deaths could be avoided if we all ate at least 800 g of fruit and vegetables daily, every day, i.e. 10 servings of 80 g, therefore 10 fruits/vegetables . It's huge, we grant you, but if science says so...

Fruits and vegetables:the key to top health

And you should know that each fruit has a specific function within the body. To reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, it is recommended to consume apples, lemon or pears. The risks of cancer can be reduced by favoring a diet containing green vegetables (such as beans and broccoli) or orange vegetables (eg yellow peppers and carrots). In addition, according to a study by the University of Warwick, the consumption of fruits and vegetables also has benefits for our morale. To prove their theory, the scientists carried out a series of tests on 12,000 people over six years. And by increasing their consumption of fruit and vegetables from 0 to 8 servings per day, the researchers observed a real change in the morale of the volunteers. They observed this improvement during the two years following the change in diet. If for the moment scientists do not advance on the elements contained in fruits and vegetables and impacting our mood, they are unanimous on one point:the more fruits and vegetables we eat, the better we are!

So, shall we get started?