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January:seasonal fruits and vegetables and their benefits

Heading into a new year. Resolutions or not, it is important to watch your diet . And this goes through the fruits and vegetables that we consume . For the planet, it is important to strive to respect what the seasons have to offer us. In January, green vegetables and citrus fruits make their way into our refrigerator, giving us the opportunity to stock up on vitamins , fiber, minerals and antioxidants. It already feels better just thinking about it! After swallowing logs, frangipane, foie gras, oysters or shrimp to excess, we resign ourselves to paying attention to what we eat again. Well beyond the question of weight, the question of health takes over.

Seasonal vegetables and fruits to consume without moderation

The star of the month for January? The clementine ! And it brings us a maximum of vitamin C. In the morning, at noon, in the evening, clementine is welcome at absolutely all meals and during all small cravings. It helps to fight against fatigue due to winter. Don't forget the kiwi , very low in calories , strong antioxidant power and source of fibre. As for vegetables, the parsnip comes into our kitchen. This vegetable is perfect to accompany fish or as a soup, for example. Obviously, the squash is the star of our plates and brings us comfort, but also vitamin A beta-carotene.

In January, we take the opportunity to (re)discover kale . It is the perfect ally to fight against the premature aging of cells. It's also high in vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, and vitamin K. Best of all, it's scrumptious. In short, it's all good. However, it is still a bit difficult to find them on market stalls. Salsify , does that speak to you? Largely forgotten vegetables, it is nevertheless a source of fibre . But it also prevents constipation and lowers the risk of colon cancer. It also helps regulate appetite. And he is very good. A little advice:a parsnip and salsify velouté to delight on cold winter evenings.

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