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7 Brazilian fruits and their benefits

Brazil has more than 300 types of native fruits, some are well known and others less well known or not at all. And then there is no other way of such a large country with such a rich climate. Here is a small example of seven fruits and their incredible benefits. Taste it without moderation!

The açaí is found all year round and is consumed in Brazil, especially in the north. There are two varieties, the purple and the white, both are incredibly fibrous and promote the revitalization of the intestinal flora. With a source of mineral salts such as iron and phosphorus, it is also rich in calcium. Excellently stimulant and highly caloric, the fruit is widely consumed by elite athletes. It is usually used in pastries or ice cream, consumed with other ingredients and fruits such as bananas, for example. It is also common to use it in juices and homemade candies. Very refreshing and incredibly tasty.

Cashew nuts There are at least 20 types of cashew nuts in Brazil, varying in color, consistency, flavor and shape. Regardless of the variety, they are very tasty and nutritious. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin C, it is good for people with anemia. It also helps treat diabetes, throat infections, diarrhea and is used to treat syphilis as an adjuvant. Fleshy pulp – used in fruit juices, candies, ice cream and mixed drinks – is actually the garland of the real fruit, which is cashews.

The fruit, which is usually found mainly in the north and northeast of Brazil, has a bittersweet taste and a wonderful aroma. The “cajá” has a color between orange and red when ripe, and is slightly sour and bitter, so usually the pulp is used, sweetened or mixed with milk. The fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, carbohydrates and vitamins. Excellent for protecting skin and mucous membranes, as well as improving stress, strep throat and sleeping problems.

It is a plant of the vine family, with branches reaching up to 10 meters in height. Of course, in the Amazon region, 'guaraná' is widely used as a stimulant and in the composition of soft drinks, fruit juices and candies. The seeds are harvested before ripening, roasted, peeled, pulverized and turned into a paste with water, which then go through the drying process and are grated and finally become the product itself for consumption – the “guaraná” powder.

The meaning of the word in Tupi is exactly the color of the fruit. Red, purple or almost black, the fruit is greatly appreciated in its natural state. It has a refreshing taste and a rich aroma, a mixture that appeals to Brazilians from all regions. The “pitanga” contains potassium, minerals and vitamin C and is recommended for anyone with arthritis to reduce fever and diarrhea. Source of calcium, phosphorus and iron, it is also indicated for those who suffer from gout and rheumatism. Besides, it's a pleasure.

Originally a wild fruit, it can be purple or black depending on the variety of the species. The pulp is soft and whitish and quite juicy. It is generally used to make jams, jellies, liqueurs and wines, but can be consumed in its natural state. The jabuticaba works against fatigue and is an excellent appetite stimulant. Low calorie fruit, contains B vitamins and vitamin C, an exceptional ingredient for a delicious ice cream.

Passion fruit This fruit is recognized for its anesthetic and calming effects. There are many varieties of passion fruit, the most common of which can be used to reduce swelling and inflammation as well as relieve pain and speed up the healing process of wounds and burns. The fruit is rich in vitamins A, C and B complex, in addition to calcium, phosphorus and iron. Very tasty, it is widely used in juices and vitamins, has a slightly sour taste and is very refreshing. As if all the qualities of passion fruit were not enough, their seeds can also be used to drive off worms.