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Cooking:three recipes for homemade pasta sauces

Scallop cream sauce

This surprising sauce goes perfectly with a dish of tagliatelle pasta. You need 200 g of scallops with or without the coral. Opt for frozen scallops, they are cheaper and just as good. Sear the defrosted walnuts over high heat in a saucepan with a little sunflower oil. Lower the heat, while stirring the scallops, add 20 cl of light liquid cream. Let simmer covered for a few minutes, then add the juice of half a lemon. Finally, salt to your liking. To obtain a creamy sauce, pass the mixture obtained in the blender. When dressing, grate a little parmesan and add a sprig of flat-leaf parsley.

Sunny vegetable sauce

It is impossible to cook pasta without thinking of Italy, the motherland of bel canto and pasta. For this vegetable sauce recipe, you don't need to know how to sing. On the other hand, you must like dicing, strips and rounds. Take three beautiful peppers, very fleshy. Preferably choose one red and two yellow for the color. And dice them. Then peel four to five tomatoes. You can opt for canned peeled tomatoes. Slice an eggplant into rounds. To

Goat cheese and mint sauce

This sauce is recommended to accompany farfalles. It is very simple to make. Take a fresh goat's cheese and about ten chopped mint leaves. Mix these two ingredients and add a little goat's milk to dilute the mixture. Then mix until you get a light and liquid texture. Fry your pasta with the sauce in a sauté pan for a few minutes. You can add a few sun-dried tomatoes to give your dish a hint of color.