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Cooking:three quick recipes for savory pies

Zucchini and goat cheese tart

This delicious pie has the advantage of combining two foods whose flavors go together particularly well. Place puff pastry in a pie pan. Then cut two to three zucchini into rounds. Arrange on the puff pastry. Take about 250 g of fresh goat cheese. Crumble the cheese evenly over the zucchini slices. In a bowl, mix 4 eggs and 20 cl of light liquid cream. Salt and pepper to your liking. Then spread the resulting mixture over the cheese and zucchini. Bake the pie at 180°C for about 30 minutes. Monitor the cooking and adjust the cooking time. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped chives.

Tuna pie

It is a warm pie with a surprising taste. On your puff pastry, spread a thin layer of mustard. Then, arrange the crumbs of a can of natural tuna, previously drained, on the bottom of the pie. To prevent the tart from being too dry, generously distribute 150 to 200 g of grated Gruyère cheese. Cut two to three tomatoes into slices and place them on the cheese evenly. Finally, add grated cheese again. The tuna pie is baked in a moderate oven, 180°C, for 15 to 20 minutes.

Leek tart

This vegetable is not only cooked in soup or mashed potatoes. The leek pie is particularly tasty. In a bowl, beat three eggs with a little salt. Then add 20 cl of light liquid cream. Cut two beautiful leeks, previously steamed, into small pieces. Add them to the resulting mixture. Stir gently so that the leeks soak up the eggs and cream. Then pour it all over the puff pastry. Bake the pie in a moderate oven, 180°C, for about 25 minutes, adjusting the baking time if necessary. It is advisable to taste the leek tart accompanied by a rocket salad seasoned with balsamic vinegar.