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Recipes for quick and melting croquettes

The simplicity of cheese croquette

Are your kids reluctant to eat cheese? With this recipe for cheese croquettes, easily change the game! To treat 4 gourmands, use leftover cheese, such as brie or camembert. Then remove the rind from the cheeses and mash them with a fork. Add a beaten egg, 150 g of grated cheese and a tablespoon of flour. Add salt and pepper. Then make flattened balls, which you flour and pass in breadcrumbs. In a skillet, brown the croquettes for about 2 minutes on each side. You can also add diced ham to this recipe to make it a more complete meal.

Shrimp croquette:a rather refined cuisine

Are you having friends over and would like to offer them something other than a savory cake? Try the shrimp croquettes! Make a béchamel sauce by melting 50 g of butter. Over low heat, add 100 g of flour, then 50 cl of milk, stirring constantly. Salt, pepper and sprinkle a little nutmeg. If the preparation has lumps, put it in the blender. Add an egg yolk, 100 g of Emmental cheese and 150 g of shelled prawns and cut into small pieces. Leave to cool for 2 hours. When the dough has hardened, make croquettes that you roll in flour, in beaten egg white and in breadcrumbs. Cook in a frying pan or fryer.

Use leftover mashed potatoes with potato croquettes

Shepherd's pie isn't the only way to use up leftover mashed potatoes:potato croquettes are also delicious. To make these melting croquettes, add 2 egg yolks to approximately 600 g of puree. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. When the preparation is well cooled, shape small cylinders, which you then roll in a little flour. Dip these bites in beaten egg white, then in breadcrumbs. Fry them in very hot oil and serve immediately.