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A cereal bar in Paris:good news?

After London and Brooklyn, it's Paris's turn to open a cereal bar. Since yesterday, it is possible to come and eat your little bowl in the Beaubourg district. In the English capital, the project did not have the expected reception:the bar had been attacked by demonstrators who denounced the excessively high prices (nearly 4 euros for a bowl) in a district where one in two children lived in poverty… Well, Beaubourg should be safe there, but it's true that such a place raises questions:Is it fair to charge us 5 euros for a portion of cereal? Well, that's up to the consumer to say! Because it's true that at first glance, it's a super nice idea:come and have a little bowl with your hipster friends for breakfast. It's another great opportunity to chat and snack in relaxation. In addition, it takes us a bit back to our childhood, we all ate our little bowl before going to school and spent long minutes in front of the supermarket shelf trying to choose the best taste (or the best gift…)

But we can also ask ourselves another question:frankly, is cereal really a dish for which we want to travel? The very essence of these crunchy little petals is to eat them at home, in your kitchen or slumped in your sofa with a good movie... It's not really a dish you would like to taste in a restaurant. Might as well have a good brunch or a good breakfast with bread (Douce France when you hold us!).

A good bowl

At “Céréaliste”, there are still little extras:the bar offers 25 types of cereal ranging from rice to corn, chocolate and oats. And as a bonus, you can add multiple toppings :fruit, Oreo , Little schoolboy, nuts or M&Ms peanut butter (yes, they hold us by our feelings)… there are also salads and cakes made from cereals and milk of all kinds:from skimmed to soy. So there is real added value. It is sure that the idea is nice and makes you want, but in concrete terms:will you be delighted to pay 5 euros for a bowl of Frosties ? (milk and topping understood, fortunately!)

It's quite mixed. At that price you might as well eat them under the covers with a good episode of Sex in the City ,no ? That's eating cereal!