Family Best Time >> Food

Carrie Solomon, an American in Paris, makes us discover the good dishes of the USA

In the family of this American from the Midwest, driving an hour to go to a restaurant or dine with friends was nothing unusual. Eating well, together, was for her a moment of sharing and love, which then turns into a nice memory.

Now based in Paris, Carrie Solomon, this smiling food photographer, continues the tradition. With this book, An American in Paris , she wanted to share these good times with us. So she gathered for us 100 recipes inherited from her mother, her grandmother, her great-aunts, which she now prepares for her husband and children. From orange creams to southern fried chicken and cherry pie, all the flavors of America are there.

Because stop the myths:American cuisine is a real cuisine, "rich and complex", says Carrie:"beyond the burgers and fries, hot dogs and cookies that everyone knows, there is an infinity of dishes, ingredients, preparations and above all a great wealth of regional cuisines! »

As proof, here is an overview of an American culinary day, to be carried out with his book:


Chocolate pancakes

Cinnamon buns

Grits and Eggs

(yes, real real ones like in The Simpsons and other shows, with icing and all!)



Organic Dogs

Meatball Sandwich

The famous BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato)

AND…. What interests us the most (let's be honest)…desserts!

The Cheesecake
(our head in front of the result here)

The Carrot Cake
(our face tasting the result here)

The Chocolate Peanut Butter Brownie
(our head just seeing the picture here)

So, grab your forks and let's go!

Carrie Solomon, An American in Paris, 100 Authentic Recipes , Editions La Martinière, 2014.

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