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In the USA, there is an Oreo beer

We've always loved dipping our Oreos in a glass of milk to taste it. But today, we feel a little old… or at least not young enough to continue. Fortunately the Oreo Beer was invented in the United States:an Oreo beer that pleases all the big children!

A slightly wacky mix

It is in a brewery in Richmond, Virginia, that the Oreo beers are made, with 7% alcohol (definitely not for children!). The Veil Brewing brewery already offered chocolate beers, the Hornswoggler Chocolate Milk Stout. In this even more gourmet version, Oreo cookies have been infused in the preparation, until the ideal taste is obtained (they are then removed so that there are no pieces in the drink). Going on sale on January 24, 2017, the packs of 4 beers sold for $17, sold like hot cakes in one day. The brewery has already announced that it will repeat the experience.

We hope that the success of the beer will allow its expansion to our borders!