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5 tips for storing food properly in the refrigerator

Whether you have a small fridge or a huge one, there are rules to follow to optimize food preservation and prevent the proliferation of bacteria.

1/ Respect the zones

The refrigerator has different temperatures depending on the zones:the top is called the “cold zone” and is between 0 and 3°C; the middle is the “cool zone”, between 4 and 6°C; the crisper is between 8 and 10°C and the door is a “temperate” zone, between 6 and 8°C. Thus, the most perishable products are kept at the top of the refrigerator, i.e. meats, fish, cold meats, fresh catering products, creams, dairy desserts, defrosted products, fresh and raw milk cheeses, homemade dishes, fresh products that have been opened. …; in the middle we keep the preparations, the vegetables and the cooked meats/fish and the yoghurts and cheeses made to heart; the vegetable drawer contains fresh washed vegetables and fruits and cheeses to be matured; finally we store in the door the eggs, the butter, the milk and the fruit juices that have been started.

2/ Have clean hands

To avoid introducing germs into the refrigerator, always remember to store and handle products with clean hands.

3/ Protect food

We systematically wrap food with aluminum foil or cling film, separating what is raw from what is cooked. As for leftovers, they must be in closed packages and consumed quickly. We get into the habit of removing plastic or cardboard packaging, unless they carry important information (such as the use-by date).

4/ Intelligent sorting

In order to avoid waste, we get into the habit of storing food according to the dates of consumption:so what is soon lost goes first.

5/ Clean your refrigerator regularly

It is recommended to wash the fridge once or twice a month with soapy water, and rinse with bleach.