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Chizza:KFC's chicken pizza arrives in France

After including a pink burger, a tortilla burger or even a black burger on the menu of its restaurants in China, KFC strikes again a big blow. And chicken and pizza lovers should be delighted! The fast food chain had the (good?) idea of ​​mixing these two dishes into a single recipe. Her name ? La Chizza (contraction of "chicken" and "pizza")!

An explosive mashup

No, it's not a chicken pizza, but two breaded chicken fillets covered with mozzarella, grated Emmental cheese, Neapolitan sauce and pepperoni. For the light side, we will come back, but this recipe should undoubtedly convince junk food aficionados! After conquering the Philippines, this explosive mashup will be available in all KFCs in France in a limited edition from January 31, 2017 for two months. All for €6.95 or €8.95 on a menu.

So, tempted? We are still hesitating...