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Ginger Beer:the unsuspected drink to avoid getting sick in transport

Leaving on vacation is getting closer, but it means a lot of inconvenience for you:travel sickness! Car, boat, plane, bus… Nothing helps, you are systematically sick. Rest assured, you are not alone! Indeed, this disease called "kinetosis" affects more than 3 million people in France . But this year is over, he won't ruin your life anymore!

So that the car journey is no longer a hell, have you tried everything? Acupuncture, essential oils, choosing the best place… But have you tried ginger-based drinks ? Yes, this root can save your vacation! It contains starch, vitamins A and B and active ingredients. The latter have active ingredients that reduce motion sickness since they regulate intestinal peristalsis and stomach motricity. So remember to prepare in advance a Ginger Beer , to enjoy on your journeys.

Ginger Beer recipe:how to make this drink to avoid car sickness?

To no longer suffer from discomfort, cold sweats and nausea, associated with motion sickness , prepare yourself drinks containing ginger ! You can make Ginger Beer (a non-alcoholic beer made from fermented ginger), flavored water, iced tea or ginger lemonade .

The recipe for Ginger Beer:

  1. Chop the ginger root into small pieces.
  2. Pour 170 g of ginger root, 100 g of sugar, 20 cl of lime juice, 4 g of baker's yeast, 1 liter of water into a gourd.
  3. Shake lightly to mix well
  4. Wait between 24 and 48 hours.
    Warning:open the bottle regularly and be careful to open very gradually.
  5. Filter to keep only the liquid.
  6. Keep refrigerated to stop fermentation.

Ginger flavored water recipe:

  1. Peel and cut the fresh ginger into pieces.
  2. Wash and cut the lemon into rings.
  3. Put the pieces of ginger and lemon in a flask, add the washed mint leaves and cover with water.
  4. Leave to infuse overnight in the refrigerator.

Ginger Iced Tea Recipe:

  1. Peel the fresh ginger and cut it into rings.
    Cook the ginger in water and turn off the heat when it starts to boil
  2. Add the black tea bags and let steep for 15 minutes`;
  3. Add sugar and let cool.
  4. Add lemon juice.
  5. Mix and sieve.
  6. Bottle and refrigerate overnight.

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