Family Best Time >> Food

Boneshaker Donuts or the art of Donuts in Paris

Do you dream of tasting those famous sweet donuts or donuts topped with different kinds of things that you can see in any good self-respecting American series? So we tested Boneshaker Donuts for you and we loved it. On the menu, the famous chocolate-covered donuts with cookie chips, caramel donuts, maple syrup or grilled chocolate and marshmallow donuts accompanied by an Espresso, homemade hot chocolate or an Americano . Comforting as you wish in the middle of the winter gloom.

We meet in a warm and friendly atmosphere

Located in the Montorgueil district at 77 rue d'Aboukir in the second arrondissement, Boneshaker Donuts was created in 2015 by Amanda and Louis, an Irish couple. The atmosphere is very warm and most customers are regulars received in English (their native language).

So foodies? Let's go!