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Food:pasta does not make you fat according to researchers

Pasta. Bolognese or carbonara, in a gratin or in a salad, we love them. And that's the problem. At least it was. The received idea that pasta makes you fat, we get it out of our heads. Because a team of researchers from Italy conducted a study on nearly 20,000 people. And the result has just fallen:consumers of pasta would be in better health than the others. Because the food, in addition to not making you fat, would allow you to maintain your healthy weight.

A large-scale study

No less than 20,000 people were recruited as part of this study, conducted by the Neuromed Mediterranean Neurological Institute in Pozzilli, Italy. In order to obtain this result, which, we admit, makes us smile, the participants were subjected to a questionnaire concerning their eating habits and the exact nature of the meals consumed during the last 24 hours. At the same time, their measurements were taken:height, weight, waist and hip circumference in order to calculate their BMI (Body Mass Index). After comparing the data collected, it turned out that the researchers did not find any link between the consumption of pasta and an increase in weight. And on the contrary, those who consumed it were the thinnest.

Well, let's not get carried away:while researchers have highlighted the importance of eating pasta as part of the Mediterranean diet, they also insist that it's all a matter of moderation. Because it is not the food that can potentially make you gain weight, pasta or not, it is what you eat it with:sauces and butter are too rich, too fatty and too sweet. We therefore prefer lighter recipes, with a drizzle of olive oil, a few spices or we make our own homemade tomato sauce.

No more reason to shun pasta, which also contains energy-generating complex carbohydrates!