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A colorless and alcohol-free beer-flavored drink to drink everywhere?

Most non-alcoholic beers perfectly imitate classic beers. The only difference being, as the name suggests, the absence of alcohol and drunkenness. However, since non-alcoholic beer looks exactly like normal beer, it still makes drinking it a bit problematic in places where drinking alcohol is frowned upon.

But a Japanese brand, Suntory, has just launched a novelty for people who love beer and wish they could drink it more often.

The drink called "
All Free All Time" is a non-alcoholic beer, colorless like water, and which would contain zero calories. The transparent liquid is contained in small plastic bottles. A packaging that plays the game of camouflage to the end, reminiscent of a bottle of water more than beer, which is usually found either in glass bottles or cans.

You can then take a sip in the office, while you work or in a meeting, without worrying about attracting attention or looking like an alcoholic… People will just think you are drinking water. And that's a bit of it. Beer flavored water.

The only elements that can give you away are the sprig of barley and the word “beer taste” written on the label of the bottle.

However, one wonders if the strong smell specific to beer is present when you open the bottle and when you drink it... In this case, not really hiding things possible.

In any case, “All-Free All-Time” will be released in Japanese stores from June 19.