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Did you know ? :we can finally make an omelette without breaking eggs!

The omelet without eggs is not a myth, it does exist. This recipe was invented by and for vegan people , understand people who exclude all animal products from their diet. A good alternative in itself for those who want, the time of a meal, to fall back a little in childhood.

Recipe:how to make an omelet without eggs?

To cook a delicious omelet without eggs, you only need a few ingredients:silky tofu (for texture), chickpea flour (for taste), turmeric powder (for color), a little cornstarch and water . You can also add garlic, onions and whatever vegetables you like.

For the preparation nothing could be simpler, in a salad bowl mix the dry ingredients together. Then gradually add the water and the tofu, until the preparation is homogeneous. Finally, all you have to do is pour everything into a very hot pan and you're done!

The secret of a good omelet without eggs this is the seasoning; spices, aromatic herbs or even dried vegetables will bring lots of flavors on your plate. To be served with a salad, a soup, mashed eggplant, a leek fondue or a good vegan burger... the possibilities are endless!

Enough bla-bla here is a video of a tamagoyaki (Japanese) inspired recipe, made by the French Youtuber Alice Esmeralda.

Discover all our recipe ideas in our slideshow.

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