Family Best Time >> Food

78% of people are more attracted to someone with the same taste preference

“What food do you like?” should be one of the first questions asked on a first date. One in three people would end their relationship with their partner if they had a completely different taste preference. And a whopping 78% are more attracted to someone who likes the same flavors. These are one of the striking results of a Knorr taste survey among 12,000 consumers in 12 countries.

Although more than half of the respondents are quite willing to try some new flavors, 29% find it unappealing when one partner orders food that the other does not like. That may explain why 1 in 5 people on a date in a restaurant order food they don't like at all, just to make a positive impression.

A life in which you no longer taste anything? If respondents were given the choice of which other daily routines they would give up for taste, the results are surprising:75% of respondents are willing to give up social media, 7 in 10 have their own voting rights and 57% would say goodbye to a successful career in order to continue to taste food. In fact, almost half of the 12,000 respondents would rather give up sex than taste, women (55%) even more than men (42%).