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Food trends 2017

TV chef Mathijs Vrieze has also listed the food trends for the new year this year. Due to his many trips at home and abroad, he comes into contact with the latest and hippest food trends on a daily basis. Food has never been such a trending topic before! Below the food trend top 10.

#EetTrend 1:On holiday to the culinary hotspots
Good food is a reason to go on holiday to a certain travel destination. A hip culinary hotspot, fantastic street food experiences and typical flavors that characterize the culture and the country determine the destination. It is not without reason that dishes such as the sushi bowl, hummus, special burgers, dim sum and the poké bowl have appeared on Dutch menus in recent years. The bao buns are going to be very hip this year. Literally it means a 'wrapping cake'. It is a spherical bun with a meat or chicken filling, often with a boiled egg and vegetables such as onions and mushrooms inside. Street food dishes from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar also penetrate our country. Vietnamese fresh spring roll, Burmese tea leaf salad, Cambodian noodles and fried insect snacks from Laos. Go on a culinary journey.

#EetTrend 2:Artisan food
After years of mass production, artisanal food is in greater demand than ever before. Eat without unnecessary additives. Purely prepared, where love, passion and time has been put into it. Quality that ensures a taste explosion, that's what we aim for. Better to eat a little less and of high quality than a lot of something mediocre. Artisanal butchers can hardly cope with the increasing demand for a good piece of meat. A well-risen and baked bread is back with a vengeance. Bread is allowed again. A gigantically rich, extremely filled sandwich is super hip. We also find it a challenge to make our own food and drinks at home. Think of making limoncello, brewing beer, fermenting vegetables, making cheese, making stock and baking your own sourdough bread. Quality and craftsmanship is what counts.

#EetTrend 3:Food connects
Sharing food connects people and different cultures. Invite your neighbors for a surprise dinner at your home. Just get a meal that your neighborhood friends have cooked for you. Reserve a spot in the home of a home cook via social media. No shoving a plate on your lap in front of the TV, but having a nice meal together at the table. We become more aware and enjoy food and company more. By mixing different flavors from various cultures, you get surprising flavor combinations. Moreover, this creates beautiful conversations and friendships.

#EetTrend 4:Vegetables all day long
More vegetables on your plate. Vegetables will be eaten throughout the day. It is not for nothing that Pinterest has been searched for dishes with vegetables 3x as often compared to last year. Vegetables are eaten more often, especially during lunch or as a snack in between. Cauliflower is also on the rise. Healthy, low in carbohydrates and calories. Cauliflower is high in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, glucosinolates and folic acid. We see pizzas with a base of cauliflower, cauliflower rice, cauliflower puree and roasted whole cauliflower from the oven. Vegetables in the lead role, vegetables as a main course, even as a non-vegetarian. Many vegetarian eateries are opening their doors and the flexitarians among us really appreciate them for their creativity and distinct flavours.

#EetTrend 5:Less extremes, fully enjoy
A positive move:treating the body with respect and taking good care of ourselves. That gives joy in life. Stop counting calories and embrace whole foods instead. Back to basics and everything in balance. Enjoy, for example, a glass of fresh whole milk, a spoonful of homemade mayonnaise with the organic fries, a bonbon of quality chocolate or a pastry from the pastry chef. We are going to eat healthier and more consciously and that includes moments when we really carefree enjoy traditionally prepared delicacies without feeling guilty. Recently, the differences have become large:overweight and killer bodies have alternated. It is now time for the golden mean. Not hyper-healthy and not excessively lavish either. Enjoy comfort food. There has been a lot of experimentation in recent years with extremes such as no fat, no carbohydrates, no sugar, eating almost nothing. The balance is now back. A stack of pancakes with melted chocolate and nuts, with a healthy smoothie or juice based on lots of vegetables and a little fruit.

#EatTrend 6:Plant-based foods
We are going to live more sustainably, more consciously and greener. Plant-based foods are on the rise, vegetarian and vegan thinking is advancing in restaurants, cookbooks, food blogs and supermarkets. Food waste is not done, so everything is used. Smart plant-based solutions such as cashew mozzarella, coconut milk yogurt and meringue cookies are made from chickpea cooking liquids. We will not completely switch to vegetarian or vegan cuisine en masse, but the alternatives are worth it. For less animal suffering, less impact on the environment, better for health and for the delicious special taste. Legumes also remain incredibly popular. People learn to pimp their dishes with beans in a new creative plant-based way and to make them healthier.

#EetTrend 7:Fermented snacks and drinks Fermenting food is all the rage. Think of curry cauliflower, ginger beets, orange carrots, lemongrass cucumber, but also sauerkraut in all kinds of ways. From old-fashioned to new. Pickling, brining and fermenting used to be a preservation method to extend the shelf life of food. Now the sour flavors are culinary delights and completely back. Drinks should also follow this trend. We use more than just lemon and lime juice:think of the tangy flavors of yuzu, kalamansi, sumac and tamarind. Hip fermented vegetable drinks with ginger and turmeric can be found in many places, or you can make your own. How does that work? The addition of bacteria breaks down carbohydrates and sugars, which changes the structure and taste. This will give you a fresh-sour result.

#EetTrend 8:Alternative proteins
The increasing demand for proteins means that we are getting more proteins from other sources. Vegetable proteins in particular are on the rise. Proteins are needed by our body for the construction, healing and repair of tissues. In particular, people with an active life, or who want to build strength, have an increased need for proteins. Animal foods contain a lot of proteins, but vegetable proteins in particular are hip. Think of beans, chickpeas, mushrooms, peanuts, sprouts, seaweed and nuts. The biggest trend in protein comes from pea powder, and you can add pea protein powder to smoothies, shakes and pastries. Protein also comes from sunflower seeds and chickpeas. This powder is used as 'flour' for baking.

EatTrend 9:Purple food
The future is purple. Purple vegetables that is. They are a bit of the forgotten vegetable category. It's a shame that they ever disappeared from the shelves of greengrocers and supermarkets. But the purple veggies are back! They also help in the prevention of diseases. The purple cauliflower, purple carrots, purple kale, purple broccoli, purple syringes and purple potatoes are rich in anthocyanins. These are the antioxidants responsible for the purple color and have great disease-fighting properties. They can soothe inflammation, boost the immune system and have a positive effect on your brain function and memory. Reason enough to eat the purple vegetables. Fun, tasty, colorful and healthy too!

#EetTrend 10:Food to relax and drinks as a sleep aid
In the 24-hour economy we relax less and we sleep less and less. The amount of stimuli we receive throughout the day is unprecedented. That's why we look for food and drinks that help us relax. Think relaxation drinks, relax tea and snacks for the evening that help us fall asleep. As more and more people practice yoga, the associated Ayurvedic cuisine is also gaining a growing number of adherents. The most commonly used ingredients for relaxation are:turmeric, ginger, Swiss chard, asparagus, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, nuts, avocado, cocoa, cinnamon, blackcurrant and honey. Relax, sleep well, eat well!