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Reasons why you should start an herb garden

Everyone uses spices when preparing meals. They give a dish taste, more spice and they are simply delicious. What's more fun than growing your own herbs? You don't need to have a special garden for this – you can also grow herbs in pots on a balcony or in the kitchen. Here are some reasons why you should too.

Herbs are usually easy to grow
If you don't have a green thumb and like it easy, grow your own herbs. They usually grow very easily! Of course there are some that are a bit more difficult to grow like coriander, but in general herbs can really be one of the easiest things to grow!

Herbs require very little space Growing your own herbs doesn't require a large garden. While tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, and other popular vegetables need room to grow, herbs don't. Many herbs grow well on a balcony or even on a sunny windowsill.

Herbs do not require bright sun Herbs are satisfied with about 4 hours of sunlight a day. Of course, many varieties will like to require more sun, and plants grown with less sunlight may be on the small side. But herbs don't need all that direct sunlight like larger plants do, and that makes them a more good option to try.

Fresh herbal taste can't be beat
Dried basil and parsley cannot be compared with basil and fresh parsley from the garden. Herbal teas made with fresh mint or chamomile are unlike anything you can buy in a box from the store. Herbs, straight from your own garden, have a taste that simply cannot be matched!

Cooking with fresh herbs is fun
What's more fun than picking your own herbs while you're cooking? You will feel like a real chef in your own kitchen.

Herbs can be expensive to buy in the supermarket
Most recipes call for only a small amount of fresh herbs, often wasting half of what you cook. With your own herb garden, all you have to do is pick what you need, and you don't waste anything.

Herbal plants are beautiful and smell incredibly delicious
Besides that herbs are delicious and give your food a lot of flavor, herbal plants are beautiful and smell incredibly delicious. You can't say that about dry herbs!