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How to choose the perfect watermelon

Who doesn't love watermelon? Most people love this delicious and refreshing fruit that is widely available in the summer. Buying a juicy, tasty, fully ripe and sweet watermelon is difficult for many. However, it doesn't have to be if you read the tips below.

Go for even
The first rule for choosing a watermelon is to select a firm, even watermelon that is free of major bruises, cuts, or dents, or that has a generally uneven appearance. This could mean that the watermelon has not been given enough water or sunshine, making the fruit taste dry and chalky.

Pick it up
A ripe watermelon will feel heavier than one that is less ripe. This extra weight is a good indicator that it is full of water (not dry and tasteless). Compare different watermelons that are about the same size and select the heaviest watermelon – it's also the ripest!

Find the yellow spot
The yellow spot is on one side of the watermelon. It indicates where the melon sat on the ground as it grew and matured. The yellower the spot, the riper the watermelon will be. Definitely avoid a watermelon that is pale, whitish, or not at all – this means it was picked way too early and isn't ripe at all.

Avoid shiny melons
Remember to avoid shiny melons. That usually means they are not ripe. The perfect watermelon has a dark green color and the skin looks dull.

Not too mushy
Place your thumb on the end of the melon and press gently. The skin should bounce back a bit, but if it happens too easily, put it back; your melon is too ripe and has a dry consistency.

Knock the watermelon
This is a fairly well-known technique that many watermelon lovers swear by. Just tap the selected melon and notice how it sounds. A deep, dull sound indicates that the fruit is not quite ripe; however, a deep, hollow sound is exactly what you're looking for.