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Tips for eating wisely in the new year

The new year has started and many people want to start eating healthier and exercising more. But resolutions often fade a few months later. So how do we commit to lifelong sensible eating habits? Try these tips:

Start planning

Responsible eating often starts with meal planning. Planning gives you the power to make healthy choices. By planning meals and snacks in advance, you can avoid the poor choices that come with time limits and extreme hunger.

Try to sit down on the weekend to plan meals for the week ahead. Get your family involved so everyone can practice making healthy decisions.

Flip through a cookbook or magazine to find new meals. If finding recipes is difficult for you, there are also several companies that deliver healthy and unique meals to your home.

Watch your portions

Portion control is another way to improve eating habits. For example, try smaller plates with meals, which simply won't fit as much food as a larger plate. If you want to eat a snack, put it in a small bowl instead of eating out of the bag. In this way you can visualize exactly how much you are going to eat.

You can also portion out leftovers for lunch or sliced ​​fruits and vegetables as a snack. Not only does this determine the amount of food eaten, but it also saves time on busy mornings and encourages having healthy options for you and your family.

Be a mindful eater

Mindful eating encourages people to focus on their experience of eating while eating. Try to eat slowly and take time to think about your body's response to different tastes, textures, and smells during a meal. Listen to all the signals your body is giving you about feeling hungry or full. As you eat, consider how the food ended up on your plate, starting with the farmer's field.

Bring healthy options

Life is full of dinner parties, holidays and other celebrations that are often filled with less healthy meals and snacks. Bring a healthy option to share, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables. It can help you achieve your nutritional goals while enjoying the festivities.

Keep changes manageable

The most powerful aspect of sensible eating is the focus on small changes. Making too many or drastic changes at once often leads to frustration and failure. Many of us can find small ways to improve if we look closely at our eating habits. Try swapping a donut for a slice of whole-wheat toast or eat an apple instead of a cookie. The list could go on forever, but focusing on one change at a time will make eating more manageable and less frustrating.