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Start the New Year healthy, eat more nuts!

As a new year approaches, many of us will be rethinking our eating habits, health and weight. It is an annual tradition that follows the holidays. But, how are we going to handle it this year? We have a tip; eat more nuts! Nuts, in addition to being very healthy, contain nutrients that will help you feel full for longer. So eating a handful of nuts throughout the day can help combat that feeling of persistent hunger. Eating nuts every day also helps control cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, weight and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Nuts also have a low glycemic load, meaning they cause a gradual rise in blood sugar, rather than a rapid rise. Foods with a low glycemic index such as nuts keep blood sugar levels stable, and it also significantly decreases body mass index or BMI.

As mentioned, the best way to include nuts in your diet is to eat them throughout the day. A handful a day is all you need to get their benefits of protein, vitamins and minerals — including calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamin E. They also contain a mix of good fats, most of which are unsaturated fats.

Which nuts are the best for a healthy diet?
Pistachios not only add color and texture to meals, but are a valuable addition to your diet for a variety of nutritional and health reasons. They are a rich source of healthy fats, they can lower cholesterol levels, they are a source of vegetable protein, they reduce stress and they are low-calorie nuts.

Almonds are versatile nuts. The tastiest almonds add texture and flavor to meals. Like fruits and vegetables, almonds are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioactive compounds that benefit health.

Pine nuts have an unexpected weight loss benefit. Pine nut oil may have an appetite suppressant effect. The oil releases 2 appetite suppressing hormones at the same time, reducing appetite within 30 minutes.

Brazil nuts are the richest known source of selenium. Only 2 nuts provide sufficient minerals. Don't eat too much as you can get too much selenium, stick to 5-6 nuts a day. Selenium is considered a health booster mineral, providing proper thyroid function and may help protect against free radical damage and cancer.

Walnuts are one of the best food sources. Sprinkle them into salads or oatmeal for tummy benefits. They provide unsaturated fats that, unlike saturated fats, activate genes that reduce fat storage and improve insulin metabolism. This helps to reduce belly fat.