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Mint – the queen of herbs

Coin, also called the “Crown of Aphrodite”, has already proven its importance in ancient times. At that time, it was used as a panacea for everyday stress or as an ornament at weddings. Yet the first thought of mint these days only falls on the aromatic kick in black tea or its health use during a cold. In fact, coin can do so much more. We have more to say about the underrated queen of herbs.

From humid coasts around the world: It is always difficult to say where the real origin of a plant lies. Due to the great diversity of currencies, this determination is even more difficult for her. Still, all varieties are believed to have their roots in the Northern Hemisphere, as they require a lot of moisture to grow. That is why you see the plant more and more often on banks, near moss growth or on well-watered balconies.

Portfolio of the coin

Mint is one of the favorites among the quick helpers when you're feeling unwell. The menthol, the essential oil extracted from the leaves, can work wonders for other types of stress. The essence is most substantial just before the coin buds open. Once the plant blooms, the taste becomes bitter and loses its charm. But when we enjoy pure oil, every part of our body gives thanks.

All-weather heroine:heat regulation by external application Whether it's the middle of winter or on hot summer days, mint essential oil can consciously influence our body temperature. When used locally in larger amounts, the menthol causes the rubbed areas to warm up. A small number of drops has the exact opposite effect, cooling the body.

Temple massage:pure relaxation guaranteed
Many may already know, but for the ignorant here is the ultimate tip:rubbing the temples, forehead and neck with mint oil gives a refreshing liberating feeling. The use of menthol can therefore lead to special moments of well-being, where the mind detaches from the daily tension and pressure. One study even found that after 15 minutes of rubbing with peppermint oil, it had an effect comparable to that of the headache drug paracetamol.

Strong mind, strong defense:declare war on a cold
Many people get a cold or a flu-like infection once or twice a year. The affected people feel weak, exhausted and have difficulty breathing. The coin can unfold a real magic thanks to the naturally given cooling function. The person concerned can enjoy the kick of freshness that gets the mind going. And:a strengthened mind can fight a cold much more energetically!

Rescuer in an emergency:pain in the stomach area
A commotion and bloating can occur so quickly that the right helpers are often not available. But salvation is near! Because of the points already mentioned, there should be a bottle of mint oil in every bag at the latest. The essence has a calming effect on our well-being, making the body relax and cramps can disappear. The essential oil can be rubbed on the stomach or taken in the form of a capsule.

Smoothing the waves:also wonderful on the skin
As if the above aspects were not enough, the mint also proves to be a real supporter in skin care. The essential oil is increasingly found in products for impure and irritated skin, because it softens and cleanses the body inside and out. Cooled mint tea, for example, can be used as a facial tonic and thus helps to restore the skin that was young.

A DIY variant to jump on the roller coaster of the ultimate freshness kick:a body scrub made from 5 drops of peppermint oil, 2 teaspoons of sea salt, a few drops of milk and 2 teaspoons of almond oil can magically pamper the body. All senses are activated and refreshed, while the pore-deep cleansing creates a feeling of well-being on the skin. This way every day can really start!