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Flat stomach objective:15 fat-burning recipes to adopt

To lose belly fat and get the much desired figure, physical exercise is very important. To simplify things, fat-burning recipes are to be associated with these efforts. Thanks to an internal action, the accumulated fat will be able to disappear quickly. These recipes are indeed known for their effectiveness in burning off excess pounds.

Flat stomach objective:15 fat-burning recipes to adopt

Endive salad

Endive is a vegetable known for its fat-burning properties. Consuming an endive salad regularly is a nice idea to find a flat stomach. Easily eliminating fat from the diet, this pleasure ingredient can be combined with nuts for a nice starter or main course.

The fat-eating soup

Composed mainly of cabbage, this fat-eating soup is a well-known dish for anyone looking to make a plump belly disappear. This broth created from fat-burning vegetables allows in a few days to melt the bulges easily. Starting a week-long diet based on this soup is ideal for discovering a flat and harmonious stomach.

White cheese with red fruits

Red fruits have an interesting power on fats since they will eliminate them before they are stored in the body. Cottage cheese is a good source of protein so creating this dessert will be a great way to have fun while chasing belly fat. Its frozen version will be a real pleasure for gourmets who want to indulge themselves without feeling guilty.

Cucumber with mint

Very simple to make, this recipe is made up of cucumber and fresh cheese mixed together. Pine nuts and garlic create a very nice starter. A few mint leaves are the finishing touch with an interesting scent. Consuming cucumber is a great way to lose weight. Full of water, it allows you to be satiated with the minimum of calories. Preparing this recipe regularly will help drive out the fat stored in the abdominal area.

Flat stomach objective:15 fat-burning recipes to adopt

Asian prawns

To finally get the dreamed flat stomach, the consumption of shrimps is recommended. Rich in omega 3 and 6, they are also known to have a very significant satiating effect. To act as an appetite suppressant, these prawns can be eaten as an appetizer or main course. To make an Asian recipe, they are served with garlic, ginger and soy sauce. This treat will please anyone looking to get rid of their belly.

Discover shirataki

These Japanese vermicelli are made from konjac known for its ability to swell in the stomach. Very low in calories, so they are perfect for filling up easily. All recipes are allowed with these vermicelli so everyone can match them as they wish. Bolognese or Japanese version, losing belly fat has never been easier.

Eggplant caviar

Eggplant is one of the vegetables that is very rich in fiber. In the stomach, they will act as a barrier against fat. To be sure to imprison it and eliminate it normally, this vegetable is very interesting. It also helps to cut hunger and therefore allow the body to draw on its reserves. An eggplant caviar with garlic and olive oil is therefore a perfect fat-burning appetizer.

Trout maki

Rich in omega 3, this fish actively fights against fat storage in the body. An Asian evening will therefore be an opportunity to enjoy yourself while working to regain a flat stomach. According to individual tastes, a hint of wasabi can awaken the taste buds. For a meal under the sign of the elimination of fat, the lamb's lettuce is the perfect accompaniment.

Flat stomach objective:15 fat-burning recipes to adopt

Lentil salad

Lentils are very rich in fiber so they will act directly on fats. Mealy, their consumption makes it possible to quickly feel a state of satiety. The feeling of hunger will disappear and the body will naturally draw on the reserves. For a good salad, feta, arugula and a good homemade vinaigrette will be perfect.

A fat-burning chicken sandwich

By using sourdough bread to compose this sandwich, you will bet on a low glycemic index. Ideal for tapping into reserves, you will see the fat accumulated in the belly disappear as if by magic. Perfect to cut hunger, it allows you to feel good for long hours. Paired with the high-protein chicken, the capabilities of this sandwich are doubled. Easy to make, this recipe will do you a lot of good.

Quinoa with soy milk

This starch has a large number of qualities since it is particularly rich in fiber. Gluten-free, it can be eaten easily to scare away fat that has accumulated in the abdominal area. Soy milk provides a good amount of protein so this recipe will be ideal.

Verrines of avocado and smoked salmon

These two ingredients are known for their richness in good fats. As part of a more balanced diet, knowing how to favor the right ingredients and eliminating bad fats is the key to losing belly fat. This nice little verrine will be perfect for burning fat since it will be embellished with grapefruit known for its virtues.

Indian red beans or rajmas

These legumes are perfect for easily reaching a state of satiety. An Indian recipe is an opportunity to cook them with a succulent sauce. With a mixture of Indian spices such as curry, cumin and turmeric, this dish will be perfect to end cravings and store excess pounds in the stomach.

Leek velouté with ginger

Rich in fibre, leeks are a vegetable that is eaten with pleasure in a creamy sauce. Perfect for a light meal in the evening, this preparation will make you happy. To burn fat, adopting a balanced diet is essential. To give a little pep to its velouté, adding ginger will be an excellent idea. A natural toner, it guarantees complete vitality while activating the elimination of fat.

Applesauce with cinnamon

The apple has pectin which makes it possible to cut the hunger in a completely natural way. Consuming this fruit is therefore a habit to take to burn fat and admire your flat stomach. As a compote, this preparation can be consumed throughout the day. A hint of cinnamon is the added pleasure ingredient. This spice also activates digestion which avoids storing fat from food. This compote therefore has only assets.