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Tofu:favorite of vegetarians

Well known by Asians for centuries as a source of protein, tofu has only found, not without difficulty, favor in the eyes of Westerners since the 20th century. This extract of soy milk has not yet succeeded in breaking all the prejudices against it, because if vegetarians appreciate all its nutritional and gustatory virtues, many still criticize its unattractive appearance and its lack of taste. It is true, we grant you, that tofu alone remains very bland, but with good preparation, tofu can take on a thousand and one different costumes that will make it a delicacy.

The benefits of tofu

Tofu:favorite of vegetarians

This soybean paste finds its place in the food classification with meat and fish. Tofu is indeed a high quality source of protein. Still, meat also provides protein, so why deprive yourself of meat if the intake is the same? Except that no, the proteins provided by tofu are not the same as those provided by meat. As we have said, tofu is of vegetable origin, so it is logical that its proteins are also, unlike those of meat which are animal proteins. To maximize the assimilation of vegetable proteins by the body, it is advisable to consume them in the company of cereals such as rice or wheat.

But it is at the fat level that the difference is decisive, because unlike meat, tofu does not contain cholesterol. Better still, it provides the body with unsaturated fatty acids that will participate in the natural elimination of bad cholesterol.

Tofu is also a source of iron which, consumed with vitamin C, will be perfectly assimilated by the body.

Finally, a rather rare quality, tofu is overflowing with phyto-oestrogens, a hormone always quick to drive out bad cholesterol in favor of the good one. Phytoestrogen is also known to protect against certain cancers such as breast cancer, and to reduce the disorders caused by menopause.

As you will have understood, tofu has a lot to offer you. But maybe you are one of those who have always seen tofu as a kind of curious food, reserved for vegetarians who alone hold the secret of its preparation. So be reassured because the cuisine of tofu is within everyone's reach, and very varied what's more.

The handicaps of tofu

Be careful though, tofu is not only the miracle food for vegetarians and boobies. The other side of the coin is that it comes from soybeans, grown mainly in the United States, on the one hand, and that soy is one of the most genetically modified crops , on the other hand.

At a time when environmental concerns are becoming a priority, soya has a disastrous carbon footprint , since we have to import it from across the Atlantic. Moreover, the uncertainty regarding the health effects of foods containing GMOs strongly encourages them not to be consumed...

How to eat tofu

Tofu has the advantage of being very versatile, of being able to take on various textures depending on the variety, and different flavors depending on the accompaniment.

In salad

Tofu is a great way to lightly enrich and flavor your salads. The best way to enhance the flavor of your salad, and to marinate the soy cubes in the condiment of your choice. In ginger for an exotic note, or in a vinaigrette for a more Western smokiness. It's up to you to let your imagination and your desires speak! An original idea may consist of lightly grilling the tofu in a pan before serving, for a mixture that is both soft/crispy and an interesting hot/cold combination.

As a meat substitute

I can see from here the pretty grimace appearing on the faces of steak tartare fans, outraged by such blasphemy. However, don't be fooled by its appearance, or by old prejudices. Properly prepared, firm tofu will offer a texture comparable to that of the most tender meats.

Moreover, being like a big flavor sponge, it is very easy to give it the desired taste by marinating it in the preparation of your choice. You can also add aromatics such as onion, garlic or mustard.

Between two slices of sandwich bread, tofu will delight hamburger lovers while preserving the heart from excess fat.

For dessert

We think less about it, but being completely neutral, tofu can adapt just as well to sweet preparations. By substituting it for liquid cream, or by adding it to the mixture, silken tofu will make it possible to obtain lighter mousses and cakes.

Firm, tofu can be grilled and caramelized in a pan and served as an accompaniment to cream or a fruit salad.