Family Best Time >> Food

Delicious milk cap Landaise style

  • blood milk caps
    600 g
  • goose fat
    1/2 glass
  • Bayonne ham
    150 g
  • chopped parsley
    2 tablespoons
  • flour
    1 tablespoon
  • Tursan white wine
    1 glass
  • salt and pepper mill
  • chicken broth
    1 glass


    Delicious milk cap Landaise style

    Difficulty:[usr 2]

    Clean the milk caps, chosen young and very fresh. Remove the feet. Gently brown the hats in goose fat.

    Finely chop the ham with the milk caps and parsley. When the caps are nicely browned, remove them from the pan and replace them with the mince. Stir. Let cook for 2 minutes. Sprinkle with flour, moisten with the Tursan, salt and pepper. Stir for 2 minutes. Add the broth, then the milk caps and cook gently for 20 minutes.

    Delicious milk cap

    Lactarius deliciosus or Barigoule, bricked, Catalan, Red cow, Polish, Roussillon, sanguine, pine mushroom orange.

    Cap:5 to 15 cm, fleshy, first convex and with rolled edges, then spreading in the shape of a cup or funnel; glabrous, slimy, orange-red with darker concentric zones, spotted with greenish.

    Underside:fairly tight, fragile, orange decurrent lamellae, staining green when touched.

    Stem:3.5 to 7 x 1 to 2 cm, hard, stuffed, then hollow, brittle; roughly cylindrical, the color of the cap, often hollowed out with small dimples on the surface.

    Flesh:hard and brittle, white becoming orange in the air, greening with age; orange milk staining the urine; pleasant smell, flavor sometimes a little acrid.

    Habitat:common from August to the end of October, under pine and spruce, in mixed forest (grassy areas)

    Milk caps with red or orange milk, with greening flesh, are edible; "The Sanguine" surpasses the delicious.

    Source:60 mushrooms by Philippe Joly