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Perfect veal brain with crayfish

Perfect veal brain with crayfish

Ingredients for 8 people:

For the parfait:500 g veal brains (peeled and left to drain for a day), 1 shallot, 40 g butter, salt, freshly ground pepper, juice of 1/2 lemon, 7 sheets of gelatine, 125 g of sweetened fresh cream, 40 ml of veal stock, 40 ml of white port, 10 ml of Noilly-Prat (vermouth), 50 g of spinach in branch, 16 cooked crayfish tails.

For the Bénédictine jelly:3 sheets of gelatin 1/8 liter of dry white wine. 80 ml of Benedictine.

For garnish:salad leaves, oil, vinegar.

  • Cut the brains into pieces. Peel the shallot and brown it in the butter.
  • Add the brain pieces, brown them briefly. Season everything with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Then puree and sieve.
  • Soften the gelatin in cold water, beat the cream and chill. Boil the veal stock with the port and the Noilly. Squeeze the gelatin and add it to the boiling liquid.
  • Incorporate everything into the brains and chill. When the mass begins to thicken, gently fold in the whipped cream.
  • Wash the spinach, blanch it, dry it. Arrange the leaves in a terrine that can hold 750 ml. Then fill the terrine halfway with the stuffing. place the shelled crayfish tails, side by side on the stuffing. Then add the rest of the stuffing up to 1 cm from the edge of the terrine. Put the parfait in the fridge to let it set.
  • To prepare the Bénédictine jelly, soften the gelatin in a little cold water. heat the white wine and add the Bénédictine. Squeeze the gelatin and incorporate it into the wine. Pour the jelly over the solidified parfait and fill the terrine with it.
  • Remove the parfait from the fridge just before serving, unmold it, cut into finger-thick slices. Arrange on the plates with the seasoned salad.

Source:The New Kitchen

Perfect veal brain with crayfish