Difficulty:[usr 2]
Peel the pears and keep them whole, remove the core (pips) but keep the tail
Mix the grenadine, half the chopped mint, the sugar syrup, add the spices, crushed pink and Sichuan berries, maniguette, half the crumbled cinnamon sticks.
Put the pears in a saucepan and cover with the spice syrup mixture
Put on high heat to start boiling, then put on low heat, cover the pan with a sheet of baking paper cut to the width of it.
Depending on the maturity of the pears, count 15 / 20 minutes of cooking.
Remove the pears on a paper towel.
Reduce the syrup until you obtain a syrupy liquid, leave to cool.
You have two options:stand the pears upright, drizzle them with spicy syrup, garnish with mint and cinnamon stick. or slice the pears from bottom to top (top photo) leaving the tail and place on a plate in a rosette. Drizzle with syrup and decorate.
Tip:if you don't have real vanilla sugar, use vanilla pod.