Family Best Time >> Food

Chestnut Millefeuille

Ingredients:4 people
  • discs of puff pastry (8 cm in diameter, baked for ten minutes at 210°C
  • milk
    20 cl
  • chestnut cream
    250 g
  • mint leaves
    a few
  • vanilla
    2 cloves
  • currant clusters
    a few
  • coarsely grated dark chocolate
    100 g
  • liquid whipped cream
    10 cl
  • praline
    1 tablespoon
  • gold leaf
  • candied chestnuts
    8 (including 4 chopped)
  • maraschino
    1 tablespoon

  • Preparation time:30 minutes
  • Cooking time:10 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 1]

Mix the chestnut cream with half the chestnut pieces, the maraschino, the whipped cream and half the praline.

Sprinkle the puff pastries with icing sugar and square them with a hot skewer.

Mix the boiled milk with the vanilla seeds, and the melted chocolate.

Garnish each disc with the chestnut cream mixture, then overlap them in threes.

On a plate pour a little chocolate, add the praline chips, place a puff pastry in the center, decorate with a mint leaf, a chestnut, a bunch of currants and a gold leaf.

Chestnut Millefeuille