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The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

Do you like to eat fish?

You are right, because it is excellent for your health!

But did you know that as with fruits and vegetables...

...there are seasons for fish, seafood and shellfish?

To buy good ones always fresh and cheaper , it is important to know the right season.

Fortunately, just for you, here is the fish and shellfish calendar according to the season . Watch:

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

  • 1. Autumn
  • 2. Winter
  • 3. Spring
  • 4. Summer
  • Fish recipes to know
  • Additional tips

1. Autumn

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

Scallop shell: it's best around mid-October because there's no coral (or not a lot).

It is then the delight of amateurs. But you have to wait, after the holidays, in January, to see its price drop.

Rouget: the season for this Mediterranean fish begins in September. And the closer we get to January, the lower its price will be.

Sole: choose Hastings sole which is meatier this time of year.

You will find it cheaper in winter on the stalls of fishmongers. On the other hand, refrain from buying from February, because it is the beginning of its reproduction period.

Autumn is also the season for mussels, oysters, pollock, squid, conger eel and mackerel.

To discover: The Recipe of Mussels Marinières at Only €2.08 per Person.

2. Winter

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

Whiting: kids love it! Its taste is not too strong and it is very economical.

With the whiting you can make croquettes and freeze them, especially when it is not expensive. Convenient to have breaded fish at low prices!

Grey sea bream: it is from January to March that you will find the best sea bream at competitive prices.

Normal, this is when the sea bream fishing is abundant.

Squid: due to its multiple origins, the squid season is quite long, from September to January.

Beware, as it is often sold thawed:ask your fishmonger if this is the case. It will be much better if you buy it fresh rather than frozen.

Winter is also the season for oysters of course, scallops, julienne, pollack, haddock and conger eel.

3. Spring

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

Lobster: it is much better and fuller at this time of the year! And you can enjoy it until summer.

But it is in July that its price is the most affordable.

St. Peter: Saint-Pierre fishing is abundant from April to September. It is therefore at this time that its price is the lowest.

Do not hesitate to choose it rather large, because it gives a lot of waste.

Mackerel: it is fished from March to May and from September to October. It has 2 advantages:it is not expensive and it is very tasty.

In addition, its flesh is full of good fats, the famous omega-3s.

Spring is also the season for brown crab, turbot, sole, cuttlefish, monkfish, julienne, saithe and sea bass.

4. Summer

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

Sardines: the sardine season is from July to September. It is then delicious, very meaty and not expensive!

Lobster: it is better to deprive yourself of this delicious crustacean during the end-of-year celebrations and eat it in the summer. It is already a very nice size and its price is falling.

Tuna: eat albacore tuna instead of bluefin tuna. The albacore tuna is indeed less threatened than the bluefin tuna.

It's succulent, easy to cook, especially in tartare.

In summer, take advantage of it quickly because the tuna season is short:it goes from July to September.

Summer is also the season for brown crab, turbot, langoustines, saithe and line-caught bass.

Fish recipes to know

If you lack inspiration for preparing fish, these easy-to-make and economical recipes will whet your appetite:

- Easy and WITHOUT cooking:the recipe for fish ceviche ready in 15 min.

- Economical and family-friendly:the homemade breaded fish recipe!

- Economical and easy:the cod crumble.

- Quick and family recipe:fillet of hake with lemon sauce in the oven.

- Cheap sushi:the recipe for 1.52 euros per head!

- Economical and easy to make:the recipe for homemade rollmops.

Additional advice

The Calendar To Pay CHEAPER Fish And Seafood According To The Season.

- Even if it is in season, you must ensure that the fish you buy is fresh. To do this, just follow these 4 simple tips.

- When the price is low, you can buy large quantities and freeze it by following these tips on how to freeze your food properly.

- Grilled fish on the barbecue is so good! But it's not always easy to do. With this ingenious trick, it won't stick to the barbecue grill.

- To prevent your kitchen from stinking of fish when you cook it in the oven, follow these tips to get rid of bad smells immediately.

There you have it, you know all the good tips and tricks for buying your fish and preparing it. Do not deprive yourself of it! Its health benefits are multiple.

Eating it helps boost your immune system. And it also seems to help fight Alzheimer's disease.

It is also a natural remedy for cholesterol and anxiety. And it is well known, eating fish is good for the memory.