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Barbecue:15 delicious recipe ideas for meat, fish and vegetables to cook on the grill

Barbecue outside in the sun, with family or friends, is one of life's little pleasures that we never tire of. Whether charcoal, gas or electric, the barbecue allows direct cooking many foods, both savory and sweet. It's simple, it's the cooking mode oldest and best known. Meat, fish, seasonal vegetables and even fruit are grilled. Because yes, a barbecue is not just about chipolatas, merguez sausages or braised beef rib steaks. There are a multitude of grilling recipes , vegan or not, easy to make and oh so greedy .

Barbecue:original and tasty grill recipes

To prepare a barbecue that changes from the ordinary, you have to play on the flavors with marinades and accompaniments original, like a mixed salad . Therefore, prepare Lebanese-style chicken skewers with parsley-braised cauliflower rings. For fish lovers, grill a dill salmon , with yogurt sauce and green asparagus lemon . Finally, for a sweet touch, fry some pineapple slices on the grill. . It's simple, effective and above all delicious!

Discover in our slideshow all our recipe ideas, spotted on Pinterest, for a successful barbecue.

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