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Eat good and in season #7:melon

The melon, the different varieties

There are more than 900 varieties of melon. Naturally, you will have noticed that not all of them are on your market gardener's stall. Cantaloupe Charantais is the most popular of the melons. It is green in color and medium in size (about 800 g) but it is above all its orange flesh and its sweet and fragrant taste that delights gourmets. We can also mention the embroidered (Italian and American) as well as the Galia and the De Bellegarde. Varieties often grown abroad but which grow in France from June depending on the region. Even though France produces more than 300,000 tons of melons each year, it is not self-sufficient. Indeed, this fruit is so appreciated by the population that the country must import more than 90,000 tons of it per year.

The benefits of melon

A good fresh melon in summer, what a joy! As a starter or dessert, sweet or savory, it is clearly a summer essential. Significant information, the melon is very low in calories (barely 250 kcal for an 800 g piece). Particularly well endowed with mineral salts and potassium, melon has diuretic properties. It helps eliminate excess water and prevents swelling related to water retention in the tissues. Melon is one of the foods rich in beta-carotene (like carrots, squash and apricots). Beta-carotene is a substance that protects against inflammatory arthritis. Transformed into vitamin A in the body, beta-carotene is an interesting antioxidant for vision since it protects the retina and improves night vision. It is also an ally of the skin because it protects it, gives it a healthy glow and promotes tanning. Rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which gives it its color, these elements give it antioxidant properties. The melon thus participates in cell growth and development and also helps in the production of collagen and healing.

Good to know

In the refrigerator, the whole melon loses much less antioxidants and vitamin C than if it is stored in cut pieces. So, when you start a melon, don't let it drag on for days! In addition, when they become overripe, melons produce and accumulate ethanol (alcohol) which alters their taste. The ethanol in the fruit is not dangerous on its own, but it could pose a risk in people allergic to this substance. So, caution again…

Let's eat!

Melon salad, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella and coppa (for 4 people):

A salad recipe (at the same time it's summer so it's hot) proposed by Carole's blog!

A melon

20 thin slices of coppa

24 cherry tomatoes

24 mini mozzarella balls (or 2 mozzarella balls, diced)

A few basil leaves

Walnut oil

Pineau des Charentes

Sherry vinegar

Salt and pepper

On each plate, place the coppa slices underneath, then take a mini spoon and make melon balls (but you can also dice), cut the cherry tomatoes into cubes, place everything on the coppa. Add a few basil leaves, then whisk together the ingredients for the vinaigrette. Finally, pour the vinaigrette over the preparation and serve.

Ham, melon and tomato tartar (for 2 people):

An idea from the Ptit Chef website!

100 gr raw ham

2 tomatoes

1/4 onion

1 slice of melon


Olive oil


Cut the ham into small pieces. Do the same with the onion. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into small dice. Mix the ham, onion and tomato, and add the chopped chives. Add 1 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil, and 1 tbsp. vinegar. Mix well. Form the tartare with a circle, or make a small heap on a plate. Cut the slice of melon into thin strips, and lay them nicely on the tartare. There you go, your melon ham tartare is ready!

Salad with Melon, Shrimps, Avocado, Coriander &Lemon (for 2 people):

Hmm, we're having fun thanks to Bryan Iz In The Kitchen!

1 melon

16 large cooked shrimp

About 20 coriander leaves

2 lawyers

4 tablespoons lemon juice

4 handfuls of lettuce (lamb's lettuce, arugula &beetroot)

Salt and pepper

Olive oil

Vinegar (cider or balsamic) for the salad

Peel, core the melon and cut it into small pieces. Peel the cooked prawns. Wash and chop the cilantro. Peel and cut the avocados into thin strips. Sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent them from blackening. Then place the salad in the bowls. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil and vinegar. Divide the melon pieces and prawns. Add the cilantro. Salt and pepper again, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Refrigerate until ready to serve!