Do you like aromatic herbs?
Me too I love it! I put it in all my dishes!
There's nothing like fine herbs to spice up and enhance a good little homemade dish.
The only concern is that fresh herbs tend to rot very quickly...
And this, even if we take care to put them in the refrigerator!
Luckily, a cook friend told me his tip for keeping aromatic herbs much longer .
Thanks to this technique, you will be able to keep your fresh herbs for 3 weeks easily!
And this trick works for both store-bought and garden-picked ones. Watch:
To best preserve an aromatic herb, you must first know if it is a tender herb. or robust .
- so-called "tender" herbs have a flexible stem and leaves. This is the case with coriander, parsley, basil, tarragon, chives, dill, chervil and sorrel.
- so-called "robust" herbs have a stiff stem. This is the case with rosemary, thyme, lemon thyme, marjoram, oregano, sage, bay leaf and savory.
The best way to wash aromatic herbs is to run them under very cold water.
Then, in order not to damage them and remove all the water, it is best to use a salad spinner.
Washing and wringing makes it easy and quick to remove any dirt or bacteria that accelerate the decomposition of herbs.
This is especially true for soft-leaved herbs.
For soft herbs: parsley, coriander, basil, tarragon, mint and dill.
Once your tender aromatic herbs have been well washed and dried, cut the base of the stems and remove the yellowed or faded leaves.
Then put the herbs in a big jar with about 2-3cm of water.
For the parsley and cilantro , cover the jar with a zip-top freezer bag or cling film, but don't wrap the herbs too tightly, as in the photo above.
All you have to do is put the jar in the fridge. If your jar is big enough, you can close the lid to cover the herbs.
On the other hand, to store basil, do not cover the leaves and place the jar in a lighted place, but without direct exposure to sunlight.
Also remember to change the water in the jar if it changes color or the water becomes cloudy.
For strong herbs: rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram, sage, savory and chives.
Arrange the herbs in a single layer and lengthways on a lightly dampened piece of paper towel.
Then roll up the piece of Sopalin with the herbs inside, as in the photo above.
Put this roll in a freezer bag with zip closure, or wrap it in stretch film.
All you have to do is put your herb rolls in the fridge.
There you go, you now know the pro method to keep your aromatic herbs longer :-)
No more wasting your money on herbs that rot at the bottom of the fridge!
Thanks to this method of the kitchen pros, your aromatic herbs can be kept very fresh up to 3 weeks .
All you have to do is get to the stove and prepare a delicious homemade dish.
You do not know which aromatic herbs to use in your dishes? Here's the guide to make sure you're not mistaken.
Here is the list of the most used aromatic herbs, with their average lifespan thanks to this preservation technique:
Tender herbs:
- parsley :Three weeks
- dill :Three weeks
- coriander :Three weeks
- mint :2 weeks
- tarragon :Three weeks
- basil :2 weeks
Strong Herbs:
- rosemary :Three weeks
- oregano :2 weeks
- thyme :2 weeks
- sage :2 weeks
- savory :2 weeks
- chives :1 week
Good to know: if some of the leaves of your herbs start to turn brown, or their stems become brittle and have mildew spots, they should be discarded to avoid contaminating others.
Of course, the best way to have very fresh aromatic herbs is to pick them directly from a vegetable patch.
Except that we are not all lucky enough to have green thumbs...
And not to mention the outdoor space needed to grow herbs in a vegetable garden.
Fortunately, you can easily grow herbs in your house or apartment! The easy tutorial is here.